Beautify Your Lawn with Fresh Landscaping

Dirt Work & Light Excavating
Dirt work and light excavating creates a beautiful slate as a base for creating your dream outdoor space.
- Laying black dirt for new yards
- Class 5 crushed concrete and other aggregates for driveways
- Building site prep (clearing and grubbing trees, building pads for garages, pole sheds and slab homes) grading for drainage.

Establishing a new lawn is an excellent way to refresh your outdoor space. Hydroseeding is typically the most popular choice because it doesn't require an irrigation system.
Hydroseeding is a process that combines seed and mulch rather than sowing dry seed. This process is often used on sites where erosion is likely to occur, helping to stabilize the soil and mitigate the possibility of erosion. This process offers more variety of grass types and creates a deeper root system. Hydroseeding does best when completed in the late summer and early fall and takes roughly seven to ten days for germination.

Rock & Mulch
Installing rock or mulch in your landscaping beds not only creates a clean, aesthetically pleasing look but also helps reduce your maintenance time spent on upkeep by protecting your plants and hardscaping from dirt splashing on them during hard rains, excessive weeds, and pests.
Rock and mulch comes from a variety of vendors and is provided and installed by me. We can also install materials provided by homeowner.

Perennial, shrub, and tree installation
Installation of shrubs and trees provide cooler temperatures for long summer days spent outside with the family.
We can purchase through a variety of vendors as well as install trees, shrubs and perennials purchased by the homeowner from a local nursery.

Sod allows for instantly beautiful grass and for immediate success to the area. Sod can be planted anytime during grass growing season and is typically weed-free in the beginning.
Sod is generally only installed where there is an irrigation system. If you are interested in irrigation we can work with other local contractors to get one installed.